Amanda Nitta


I am studying for a B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science through a joint-program in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2024 with my Bachelors and Spring, 2025 for Masters.

Interests: Data Science, Cybersecurity, Data Visualization, Software Engineering


Receipt Parse 2023

People are continually making purchases from stores. Thus, examining receipts allows for valuable insights into the types of stores and products that individuals purchase/frequent. This converts receipts through a data pipeline where the paper receipts information is displayed in an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) - text file format and converted into JSON objects that represent how humans may classify receipts with the assistance of Large Language Model (LLM) ChatGPT4 (latest version 2023). Upon creation of JSONs, K-Nearest Neighbors was used to assist in the classification of vendor and product categories. The findings are displayed through visualizations on a Dashboard.

Visualization Big Data Data Pipeline Large Language Model StreamLit

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Affect of Metformin in Readmission Rates of Diabetes Patients 2023

Diabetes is diagnosed when blood sugar (glucose) levels are too high. It is noted that having diabetes often leads to a higher risk of being readmitted to the hospital Thus through Explainable Al analysis, it provides valuable insight into how Metformin is likely to play a role in whether a person is readmitted to the hospital.

Explainable AI Health

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Climate Change Through Narrative Visualization 2023

Climate change has become an increasingly present issue in society and is attributed to the developments of climate change that have led to warmer temperatures. Yearly higher temperatures have had an impact on our everyday lives. This creates worse and more frequent weather catastrophes along with warmer waters, and melting ice caps in the Arctic which leads to higher sea levels. High sea levels intrude onto land, removing space for housing, agriculture, and changing the ecosystem. Some states have acknowledged the harmful effects of climate change and have legislation to mitigate the effects of climate change, such as clean energy goals. However, some states do not have any initiatives. It's important to be aware of the impacts of climate change and commit to mitigation efforts.

Visualization Climate Change Narrative Visualization

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Virtual Campus Tour 2022

As of Fall 2022, the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM), had a virtual campus tour comprised of YouTube videos along with a third-party application that describes the buildings. By UHM having a virtual campus tour, it allows for the university to be more accessible to out-of-state and neighboring island residents who are not able to visit campus. Therefore, my team and I created a virtual campus tour with the idea of it being 'for students by students.’

Web Development

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See all 6 projects


From Aspiration to Realization: A Comparative Study of Salary Expectations and Real-World Experiences among Alumni and Current Students in Hawai'i

Undergradute Senior Honorʻs Thesis

An Exploration of the Way Modern Technology Can Influence the Development of Compassion in Adolescence

Published in Horizon’s Undergraduate Journal at the University of Hawaii at Manoa